Monday, June 22, 2009

Russ is busy!

Hello Again!

The last couple of weeks have really gotten the ball rolling. E-mails and phone calls have gone out to more businesses and clubs than I can count. Each message is spreading the word about After the Quake. I have gotten feedback from many of the companies that I have called and they sound genuinely interested in our upcoming show.

Giving out postcards continues as always, and posters will be going up around town this week. The posters look fantastic!

I am going in on Tuesday to map out an effective postering strategy, and to make more calls.

Short but sweet, as things get underway.

Also remember… the best way to spread the word about After the Quake is by word of mouth. So if you can think of anyone or any groups that would be interested, let them (and me) know! We want all of Boston talking about the show!


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