Saturday, June 27, 2009

ATQ: Jess Strikes Again...

Hello again from your friendly PA. After the Quake is going swimmingly (I like adjectives). But honestly, as each week passes the show gets better and better. Now with the rough blocking done, the actors are starting to really delve into their characters and why they do the things they do. It’s part of what I personally love about theater, watching a play grow and transform from the first read-through to opening night. You see ‘characters’ become people and a whole be created in front of you. It’s really something and this cast is really growing with their characters.

The set is now being started as well and I’m excited to see this world literally come into being. I have a soft spot for scenic design, specifically painting, and I can’t wait to finish the building and get to work on painting it. I think the model and designs fit the concepts for this show so well, that I really just want it to be opening night so everything falls into place. I won’t give too many details; I couldn’t do it justice, so you’ll just have to come see it for yourself (:. But I just love that everything is starting to take shape. We’ve been talking about this deadline of sorts, opening night being in the middle of july, but as it gets closer and closer everything sort of starts coming together. It’s exciting and I’m so happy to be a part of it.

I really am ready to get into House Manager mode. The stage management crew and I have all been joking, we all wear glasses, but when I trade my PA hat for my house manager hat I’ll start donning my contacts. Just a little anecdote to make you chuckle. Speaking of stage management, I told Alycia I’d mention her fantastic drawings that are decorating my folder. My particular favorite is the wood that says “Hey. We’re Norwegian.” But thanks to this show Norwegian Wood is slowly climbing its way up my list of favorite Beatles songs. The music is really bringing this show together. The cast was doing such a good job, but me saying music when the script calls for it just isn’t the same as hearing the violin and bass clarinet come in with their haunting melodies. It was like the missing piece to the puzzle and it fits so organically that it’s no wonder why the script calls for so many specific music cues. I’m really just excited to see it all finished and come together.

Happy Theatering!

P.S. If you haven’t checked out the video trailer, you should. It’s pretty baller:

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