Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nick Tosches: The Technical Side

Hello once again everyone out in internet land. A lot has happened since my last blog and since there is no sense in beating around the bush with pleasantries, so I shall get right down to business.

We started set build this week and things have been going awesomely. Mark asked me what project I would like to take on with the set, and after some thought I decided to work on the archway (it’s going to be a floating Japanese style pagoda roof/arch thing). I chose this project because I wanted to learn how to rig and hang something large that isn’t just a flat piece of scenery. So most of the job will be done during load in, but I succeeded in finishing building the frame work and 3 sides of the facing in only two days. Besides the set building, Mark has been teaching me the nuances of being a tech director from scheduling to what pieces of scenery are a priority and such. He has taken the time to discuss how to deal with designers and directors and how you can make their vision come true while doing your other duties, and this week’s lesson was that something should not fail simply from a lack of trying. Even though your first instinct may be to say no because what is designed or asked for seems impossible, impractical, or over budget, there is almost always a way to execute it.

So next week is looking to be just as fun and tiring as this week was, as we finish the set build and begin our load in. I am also looking forward to the designer run this weekend and hopefully we’ll be able to keep up this awesome pace that we have set for ourselves. See you all later around the blogosphere!


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