Tuesday, June 16, 2009

After The Quake: Paige Warren

I was beside myself nervous when I first met the Costume Designer, Miranda Giurleo, for whom I would be interning, and again when I met the rest of the cast and crew for After the Quake. I had no idea what to expect since this would be my first costuming position outside of an academic setting and it was the first time I would be working in Boston. Although I kept reminding myself that the three years I spent in high school working on costumes and the two I've spent so far in college at UVM had prepared me for the majority of my responsibilities as Assistant Costume Designer, I was nervous that I would fall short and let the designer, and myself, down.

When the time came I was relieved to find out that many of my responsibilities were just what I was eagerly anticipating and that the cast and crew have been very welcoming, supportive, and helpful. Since the company and the production are a smaller scale than I expected at first, I've found that I've been able to really focus on the business side of costuming (less of what goes on stage and more of how it got there to begin with). I can't begin to describe how amazingly helpful this process has been, especially at a professional company, and how much I've learned in just the first few weeks of working. Speaking of which, I actually need to update the Costume Bible for After the Quake now. I can already tell that this production is going to be enriching in many ways.


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