Friday, June 19, 2009

Alycia Marucci, ASM, Round 2...Fight!

Hello again everyone!

This week has been quite productive in rehearsal. We managed to work on a lot of the dynamic between characters during scenes as well as add in music to some of the transitions. It is definitely a challenge working with live original music, but I think that the end result will be phenomenal, it already sounds really good when the chaos of adding the new element to the play subsides. We are doing our first run through on sunday, which should be super helpful for stage management to really understand the flow of the piece, as well as the specific timing for a lot of stuff that we haven't been able to work as a whole yet.

I have taken to spending my down time in rehearsal doodling on post-its and giving them to various people. Emily's and Eliza's production books are already littered with my periwinkle 2-dimensional masterpieces. So far I have successfully animated the following:

- the character of Katagiri as a cheerleader, jumping in support of Frog in the middle of his battle with worm.
- Sayoko hiding behind her japanese fan.
- the stage management team (with a caption stating that "Stage Managers are Coo.")
- the weather outside the rehearsal room on Sunday (mother nature thought it would be quite spectacular to allow the sun to show its face only during the hours of our rehearsal, and deemed the rest of the day rainy)
- a spy. (unrelated to the text of the play, it was however a secret-spy note regarding very important prop information...)

more next week once we start doing run-throughs!


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