Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who are these supposed brothers and why are they so GRIMM?

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm were born in Hanau, Germany in the late 1700's. They began collecting folk tales around 1807 and published their first collection of stories in 1812 after Jacob was named court librarian to the King of Westphalia. This first volume of fairytales was named Tales of Children and the Home.

The Brothers Grimm traveled around Germany, gathering stories from villagers and peasants. They also may have stolen published stories from other cultures. Jacob did research and Wilhelm did most of the writing. He provided the simple, child-like writing.

In addition to being storytellers, the brothers also worked on a German dictionary. It was massive, consisted of 33 volumes and weighed about 185 pounds. They only made it from A - F before their deaths, and the dictionary was not completed until 1960.

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