Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Loading in the Good Times!

Hello All!

So we have now completed our rehearsal process and are now heavily steeped in tech, which commenced last night with our load-in! Now is the time in which the production team and crew assembles the world of the play, and that includes everything from lights to sound to set to props. In order to accomplish this tall order with a very limited amount of time, it meant that everyone needed to step up, pitch in and give a hand, and I was fortunate enough to be included as well. Just to give you an idea, though, if you were to meet me, you would most likely assume I am the type of person who has avoided much manual
labor his entire life, and that assumption wouldn't be far off. So the fact that I was saying things like, "Do you have a longer piece of tie-line?" and "Where did the XLR go?" is quite new to me. But, let me tell you. It was such an incredible experience for me to be part of such a hard working and collaborative team.

Even in the face of a time crunch and of a huge list of things that need to be done and worked out, it amazed me the high spirits in which we collectively found ourselves. There was a certain "lightness" among us, all of us filling the space with some banter and a few laughs, while at the same time maintining a strong and immensely productive focus. And it amazed me how everyone was working on their own projects simultaneously without getting in the way of others. Lighting crew was hanging their instruments and circuiting them while a mere feet away others are adhering sound cable to pipeline, and below both, carpenters are nailing set pieces and platforms down, while in the back painters work furiously to finish the strokes on a
back wall panel. Even though seemingly countless activities are being pursued, everyone still worked together and communicated, with no one stepping on anyone's toes and everyone being repsectful of everyone's needs.

It's so great to be working in an environment in which everyone is truly on the same page and level, with everyone doing what they can to get the job done and with no one being "above" anything. At the risk of sounding "New Age-y," the vibe was so positive in the room that it was palpable. It's a rare thing, not just in theatre but anywhere, to be in an environment in which so many people not only all want to be there but all have the same ends and goals in mind and are truly working together. To be a part of that was absolutely exhilarating.

It was a true joy to be a part of, and I know this will carry over into tomorrow night, when we actually begin tech and work through the show cue-to-cue. But more on that later . . .

That about does it for now. But don't worry; more will be coming later this week!

Over and Out,

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