Hello Ladies and Gents,
It is I, Tory Bullock, here and back in full effect for one last final post. Hold your "awwws" and "please don't go’s" because it is time for me to fade off into the sunset with my ARTiculation crew riding towards our next adventure. Due to the fact that i have fallen behind in a lot of the bloggage (yes i did in fact make up a word) this blog will be the most epic in length blog you will ever see, so brace yourself. I will be breaking down this blog into weeks so you will be brought up to speed on the entire process, and not just reflection. So our story will pick up where we left off: opening week.
Wow. The day is almost here. We are all set with costumes, the set is done, our dressing rooms are in order, our headshots are already up in the lobby, AND i just found out that i can get a free gift card to Qdoba which happens to be the main outlet for actual food around the theatre so it goes without saying that i am a very happy man. This is the first show that I’m not nervous for. I have done a lot of Theatre in my time - even though my time hasn't been very long, it is still time none the less and i have never not been nervous. This is due, yet again, to the fact that what we are performing has been a part of my life for so long. We have performed this piece in so many different ways that to do it in the same space with the same cast every night is really a relief. But while i am not nervous i am something else that may prove to be a little worse and that is 100% anxious. I say its worse because with my anxiousness comes the questions that actors DREAD: "Will people come?" "will they like it?" "am i going to mess up?" and those questions are currently making the rounds in my head…
I’m at the Theatre early. Call is at 6:30 and i am here at 5. Call it being antsy but i just could not stay home and from the looks of it neither could the rest of my cast. We are all here with the exception of Ms. Terri D. Nik is lying down on the stage doing his "actor thing" while Danny is sitting in the audience chairs going over his lesson plan for his class the next week. Lindsay is cueing lights with Mark and Eliza, Marvelyn is in the dressing room listening to Beyonce and eating mac and cheese, i am watching it all. Like an old man sitting on his porch with a cup of ice cold lemonade on a blistering hot day, i sit on the side of the stage and just watch in complete awe of everyone and everything that is about to happen. I’m still NOT NERVOUS, but there is a new feeling: pride. i am filled with such pride to share the stage with these people. From the core four all the way to the new recruits, we have become a real family and in the wonderful gypsy world of theatre you don't get too many of those – I’m still trying to figure out how i got so lucky. Fast forward two hours and we are at half hour until the show begins. We have already done our group warm ups - you could tell because the back rooms were filled with air, breathe, bellowing diaphragm supported hoots, and insane calls of UNIQUE NEW YORK (its a tongue twister try it sometime. Repeat it over and over UNIQUE NEW YORK). But the time for group warm ups has ended and we all find our own space in our dressing rooms and just get ourselves to a place where we can fully understand what we are about to do. For a lot of us this isn't just a show - this is a belief and a mantra. This show has been there for us when our own family and friends weren’t. It is much more than theatre because it is a piece of all of us. As Eliza comes through the door and gives us the call that all actors gear up for - "Places" - i stand up, look over at Nik and Danny and just say "Lets go". The Show was AMAZING! Wow it was one of those things where you couldn’t anticipate what the reaction would be, but once you got it you knew that everything was going to be ok and it was. It REALLY WAS!
So now the real game begins because since we have been chosen to be Company One’s "Page to Stage" educational production, we perform 10am shows with an 8am call - I don’t mind because I love the kids! The shows were really good - the kids get things that the late night crowd doesn’t pick up on sometimes so it was a lot of fun.
Ok so this is the big one. Emotions are running high and everyone is moving a little bit slower. I can see everyone's faces both excited and sad because this is the last time we will do this show in this space. After working on something for so long you miss it soooo much when it suddenly leaves. But we are actors and the job at hand is to put on a show and it is beyond me to not give two of the best last shows of all time.
We are back stage waiting, getting prepared to do it one last time. Before we go on stage I pull Terri, Nik, and Danny to a small section of the back corridor and we get into a huddle. Since I am a private guy (hah!) i will not tell you exactly what was said, but we all gave each other one big hug in acknowledgment of the journey that the four of us have taken as original creators of ARTiculation. Eliza comes through the doors and says "Places." We all walk out, and proceed to leave as much of ourselves as we can on that stage. Hopefully, we entertained some people while doing it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
All In One
company one,
Danny Balel,
Nik Walker,
Terri Deletetsky,
Tory Bullock
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